Rob Harvey is a composer based In Kent, South England, Uk
What do I do?
Well, I pride myself on cultivating an emotional connection with the narrative of my projects. If I can’t feel it, then how can I expect an audience to feel it. I make sure that whenever I work I’m laying down the foundations for emotional payoff in the story. It’s been mentioned by many that my work conveys feelings over dynamics and this is something I’m hugely proud of. I value melody, harmony and rhythm over everything, so at the core of my creative philosophy is a strong vocabulary of musical movements and phrases, all of which are designed to colour the mood.
In order to really understand feelings in music, I’m of the belief that you need a strong cultural understanding too. On a technical level this would mean using the right instruments or sounds for any given character or group of characters, places, setting or time periods... However on a deeper level, this is stuff that needs to be showing in the DNA my music. I LOVE meeting new and interesting people. Everyone explores life in a different way and has a different set of lessons and conclusions. It’s the same with characters. I think VERY deeply about character. I often come up with background that might not exist in the canon, but to me make sense. It helps to inform my creative choices in ways that allow me to come out with some really interesting and out of the box stuff. This is essentially at the core of my work.
I have a hugely diverse musical background which is why I got into composing in the first place. When I was younger, my goal was to just play and listen to as much music as possible. I spent about a decade just learning how to listen and then a further decade learning how to play. I have proficiency in a very long list of instruments and styles which informs my work to a great degree. I’m a huge lover of music of all descriptions and I’ve always looked for new ways to express the musical language. To me this is one of life’s main joys, finding out about a new sub style or genre of music and figuring out its lineage to eventually incorporate it into my work. Then expressing it in a way that you, the audience, just gets but doesn’t know why. This is the ultimate satisfaction for me.
Rob Harvey has become known for his work with audio drama production company Big Finish Productions. He bases his music around strong, emotionally driven themes. His music supports dialogue perfectly and doesn’t over step. He started pursuing composing as a profession after a 10 year long performing career. After 10 years, it became clear his link with music had changed from that of a performer, to that of a writer. Since then he’s scored and sound designed over 50 audio dramas. He’s had award nominations, he’s consistently well reviewed and enjoys a great working relationship with Big Finish Productions.
HERE is a link to all of Robert’s Big Finish Productions contributions.
In recent years, I’m proud to say I’ve had the pleasure of creating my own set of themes for the audio drama series THE LONE CENTURION.
I have also recently had the pleasure of completing the music score to the much anticipated audio drama, co-written by the wonderful Scott Handcock and the one and only Russell T Davies, entitled Doctor Who: MIND OF THE HODIAC.
I’ve recently had the chance to appear on a Doctor Who podcast entitled “The Sirens of Audio” check it out below!